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Computer and Communication Cross References
Asahi Satellite Page, (Japanese) Index of satellite channels and CSTV/CATV information.
ASAP articles, by George Gilder from Forbes magazine Recommended!.
Broadband Guide, Web index from PennWell Publishing.
BRS Webcasters Directory, Index of radio stations broadcasting on the Web.
Business Research in Information and Technology (@BRINT), Index of IT information related to business.
Computer and Electronics Guide, from the Ameritech Yellow Pages.
Computer Business World, Computer and information technology Web index.
Computer Controlled Resources, Index site - PC/104, STD, ISA, VXI, from Arrick Publishing.
Computer hardware and software manufacturers, Index.
Computer Hot Line, Database and search engine of equipment and distributors.
Computer Information Center, The (CompInfo), Computer/communications product/technology information, searching, Extensive!.
Computer Science Bibliographies, an Extensive! database and search engine.
Computer Telephony, Index on CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) and IP/Internet Telephony.
ComSearch.net, Long distance telephone search engine/directory.
Connection Plus, Mobile phones, cards, accessories, pagers, software, etc..
Current Research in High Performance Networking Worldwide, by John Knight, Loughborough University, U.K.
Cycon Publishing, Web site design and software consulting.
Cysip, Short courses and consulting in communications and signal processing.
Data Communications Home Page, Educational resources for data and telecommunications.
Desktop Publishing, Tutorials, software reviews, information from the Mining Company.
Developer.com, Index for computer and communication developers.
Digital Information Infrastructure Guide (DIIG), The, NII related projects and organizations, from MIT.
Distributed ELectronic Telecommunications Archive (DELTA), Boise State University.
DriverGuide, Driver information.
Dynatek Infoworld, Web presence provider.
Economics of Networks, Treatise by Nicholas Economides and other resources from NYU.
EDI Emporium, Jim's, link page for information about Electronic Data Interchange.
EE/CS Mother Site, General electronic engineering/computer science index extensive!.
EFF "Information Infrastructure (Global/National)" Archive, from the EFF Extensive.
Electronic Engineers Master (EEM), Online catalog of electronic component, product, and IC directories.
Embedded Electronics Resource Directory, from E-Lab Digital Engineering.
Embeded systems source page, from Softaid.
Embedtec, ISA, Multibus and PC/104 embedded systems and single board computers.
EngineLink, Index and registration for Web indices and search engines.
Estoile.com, Telecommunication resources, protocols, etc..
Europe and the global information society, the "Bangemann" report.
European Business Directory, Thousands of European corporate listings with Searching Extensive!.
ExactLink, Computer hardware and software index, includes product reviews.
Eyenetwork Directory, Database/search engine of videoconference locations, booking service.
Free Web Builder Info Links, Web focused index site, e.g. html, css, cgi, ecma, etc..
Games Lounge, Computer game information (cheats, downloads, shareware, hints, etc.).
Go Net-Wide, Index of index site URL submission forms.
Gov. Policy and the Info. Superhighway, URL list to Intl. reports, Nat. Library of AU.
Havensoft Software, Software for startup logo editing (e.g. Screen Changer).
Help-Site Computer Manuals, Index of computer related FAQs, howtos, tutorials, manuals & sites.
High Bandwidth Web Page, Links to general comm. articles on topics like ISDN, ATM, ADSL, etc..
Hobbs Enterprises, Directory of Web presence services, searching available.
Hosting Locator, Web hosting/Web presence database/search.
Imagine Group, The, Web site design.
Information Economy, The, A Web index to related resources.
Information Security Documents, Bibliography, Index of computer security information.
Information Systems Meta-List, Information systems index, from CAIT.
Information Technology Professional's Resource Center, The, Web index, professional information, networking.
Information/Telecommunication Related Links, from Paul M.A. Baker at George Mason University.
Intellectual Property Law, Web index.
International Telecom Center (ITC), Telecommunications information from Telematrix.
Internet Advertising Guide, Pay per click reviws, tips, advice, information, etc..
Internet Parallel Computing Archive, University of Kent at Canterbury, England.
Internet Quest, Basic Internet information.
iptel.org, On-line reference to IP telephony.
IRC-Web, Index and search engine for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels.
ISDN and Telecommunications Glossary, from Connective Strategies.
IT2000 - Singapore's Vision Of An Intelligent Island, many useful URLs to U.S. policies.
Itindex, European IT partner database/index.
ITStartPage, Directories of IT vendors, associations, publications, news, etc..
Java Programming Resources, Tutorials, documentation, download sites, documented examples, etc..
John December's lists of Computer-mediated comm., and Internet Tools Extensive!.
John's Computer Programming Book Index, Advanced field-specific computer programming textbooks.
Keith O'Brien's Telecom Info Home Page
Knowledge is Power, Web site index, includes shareware index.
Link Central, Internet/telecom. links from New Commerce Communications.
Links to Other Telecommunications and Information Sources, from the US National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Loogy Web Search, Index for Web development related resources.
MacinFind.com, Macintosh focused Web index.
MacOffice, News and Information for the Macintosh comminity.
Matilde Internet Group Italian Web Site Index, largely computer related.
Mega Linkage List, Index of free Web registration sites (indices and search engines).
Midcom Data Technologies, Computer peripherals, e.g. printers, terminals and bar code readers.
Modems, Networking and Communications Links, Focused table oriented Web index.
Molten Web Solutions, Web presence provider (WPP), Web promotion.
Motorbytes, (German) Internet services with a motorcycle focus.
Multicast Transport Protocols, Index to papers/information on reliable multicast protocols.
MVS Programming for OS/390 Mainframes, Index to focused news/information.
mWare.Org, (Russian) Daily free and opensource software news.
Netinfo, Access to Network Information, University of Texas.
Network Bibliography, by Henning Schulzrinne at (9/97) Columbia Extensive!.
Network Buyer's Guide, Index to networking/storage hardware/software from Strategic Research.
Network Professionals Resource Center, Telecom Information Resources from the Network Professionals Resource Center.
Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library, Cooperatively supported database.
Networking Page, The, General computer networking links, University of Lethbridge.
NRL Network Research Navigator, links to networking resources, Extensive!.
OmniTree, Extensive computer hardware and some software database.
On Target!, Index to Java, Perl-CGI, html/Web design, clip art, etc..
PC Industry Resources, by Ray Legrand, Web index, PC system specs, industry news, etc..
Power Link, Web index of database software, books and links.
Qkim's list, protocols, gigabit nets, ATM, com, multimedia, Extensive!.
Resources for the Interactive Writer, Multimedia authoring resource index.
Scottee.com, Web site design, graphics, programming, etc..
Screen saver, Index.
ScriptSearch, Online archive of CGI, PERL, Java, VBscript, etc..
Sitamoht.com, Networking reference, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, tests, labs, DNS, etc..
Small Business Marketing Directory, Slanted to Web/Internet business topics.
SPARC Product Directory, Information database and index of SPARC(r) manufacturers and products.
Spumador's HW Page, Computer index - test info, HW companies, tech info, software, etc..
Storage Industry Information, Index from Rising Edge Technology.
StorageCafe, Buyer's guide to storage technology, products and solutions.
Surplus Direct, Discount catalog online computer hardware and software.
T1 Shopper, T1 line prices and information.
Technical and Network Computing, Linux, X Window, and other technical computing information, Annville, PA.
Telco Exchange, Telecommunication Web index, search engine (availability, pricing)
Telcomtech.com, Telecommunications focused Web index, information, message board, etc..
Telecom Corner, General telecommunication index site, from Jared Hall.
Telecom Digest & Archives, Email list archive and general telecom information.
Telecom Forum, The, Telecommunication resource guide, companies, news, classified, etc..
Telecom Information Resources, from the School of Public Policy at U. of Michigan.
Telecom Links, from Intercai Telematics Consultants.
Telecom Policy Library, from the Alliance for Competitive Communications (RBOC Consortium).
Telecommunications resource page, from Don Berryman at ADC.
Telecommunications URLs, from Trinity College Dublin.
Telecoms Virtual Library, from the World Wide Web Virtual Library.
TelekomPlaza, General IT index inc. telecom., companies, etc. (English/Turkish).
Telephone Industry Information Page, from the Telephone Customer's Corner.
The Gatekeeper by Ericsson, The Intelligence of all H.323 Internet Telephony Networks.
The Top 50 Winsock Apps, Index of socket application software for Windows.
TheLinks, Macintosh Web index.
TheLinks, Index of software URLs windows, win95, mac, sun, unix, commercial, shareware and freeware.
TLC Computing, Computer systems and accessories, online catalog.
Tomi Engdahl's electronics info page, from the Helsinki University of Technology.
Topics in Networking, from Rad Data Communications (also with some direct info.).
Toptips, Index of free Web submission sites, Web promotion.
Traceroute Index, Index of traceroute servers on the Web, Boardwatch.
Ukiah Software, Application level firewall (NetRoad) for mixed networks of TCP/IP and IPX.
Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index, search engine.
VBScripts.COM, Index for VBScript information, links, forum, examples, books and news.
Video Conferencing Hardware for PCs, (German) Video, sound, and combined cards for PCs.
Webmaster 2001, Index site for Web utilities, promotion, presence, etc..
Webmaster Tools, Directory of utilities/resources for webmasters/designers.
Webmasters Resource List, Index for Web site design, support, promotion, etc..
Well Connected Mac, The, Apple Macintosh index.
World of Telecommunications, The, collection of telephone related WWW pages.
World Wide Web of Windows, Microsoft Windows OS Web resource index.
Wotsit's Format, Reference resource for file formats and programming information.
WWW Resources, Resources on the web related to page development, site management.
xcelNet Enterprise, Internet service provider (ISP), Web site design.
{Tele}Communications Information Sources, from Telstra Australia.
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