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Computer and Communication Companies ("E" entries)
E A BEHL Technologies, Telecom system design, PBX, ACD, IVR, LAN/WAN, etc., Clearwater, FL, US.
E & G Internet Marketing Services, Web site development and Web site promotion, Chesterfield, NH, US.
E Corp., E-mail management software (Email 97), Pittsburgh, PA, US.
e-apps4U, Enterprise application rental, Brussels, BE.
E-CAT Electronic marketing catalog software, by Westholme Marketing, Vancouver, BC, CA.
E-Commerce, Internet consulting, Mississauga, ON, CA.
E-iMALL, Computer hardware and software, online catalog, Fremont, CA, US.
e-Infochips, eVC, software testing/QA, ASIC design, consulting/programming, Ahmmedabad, IN.
E-Lab Digital Engineering, Embedded control and integrated circuit solutions, Lawton, IA, US.
e-LearningCenter.com, Online training, computer courses, technical, Tyler, TX, US.
e-MDs, Medical record (EMR) and practice management software, Cedar Park, TX, US.
E-Signature, Custom fonts for electronic transmission, Ottawa, ON, CA.
E-Span, Interactive employment network, online employment matching, Indianapolis, IN, US.
e-SYSTEMS Design, Computer systems (PCs), accessories, on-line catalog, IT services, Brea, CA, US.
E-Town Computers, Computer systems (PCs), sales, service, recycling, Elizabethtown, PA, US.
E-Vision Technologies, Graphics, Web site design, multimedia, Dartmouth, NS, CA.
e-Zest Solutions, Programming (offshore), applications, consulting, e-commerce, etc., Mumbai, IN.
e.g. Software, Software for the Internet and for Novell networks, Portland, OR, US.
E.piphany, Enterprise relationship management software (e.g. e.4), Palo Alto, CA, US.
E.T.Company, Computer systems (PCs), accessories, online catalog, Stoughton, MA, US.
e2a technology, Software consulting services for embedded realtime systems, New Hope, PA, US.
Eagle Automation, Industrial monitoring software/systems (e.g. SCADA), Corpus Christi, TX, US.
Eagle Information Resources, Web site design, database, programming, data conversion, etc., Midlothian, VA, US.
Eagle International Software, Software for metal standards cross referencing, Niles, IL, US.
Eagle Nest Intelligence, SPARC compatiable workstations, Austin, TX, US.
Eagle Research, Custom software and software tools (e.g. VB2D) for Windows, San Francisco, CA, US.
EAGLE Search Associates, High-technology and computer related recruiting and placement, Greenbrae, CA, US.
Eagle Vision, Surveillance camera systems and connected computer systems, security, Jacksonville, FL, US.
Eagle's Nest, Web site design, promotion, consulting, Fabius, NY, US.
Eagletron, Computer video cameras, robotic pan/tilt, Web cams, etc., New York, NY, US.
E&A Information Services, Video and CD computer training, Alex, VA, US.
Earthlink Network, Internet service provider (ISP), Pasadena, CA, US.
EarthWeb, Web oriented sofware (e.g. Moderator for live online discussions, Java), New York, NY, US.
Earthweb, Web development tools, New York, NY, US.
Ease Electronics, Capacitor manufacture, Ping Chen, TAIWAN.
EaseSoft, Barcode consulting, software, support, Toronto, ON, CA.
East Coast Computers, CD-ROMs, computer hardware, etc., Magnolia, DE, US.
East Coast Datacom, Modem and port sharing, interface converters, line drivers, etc., Rockledge, FL, US.
East Coast Web Network, The, Web site development (Magi Technologies) and Web presence, Fair Lawn, NJ, US.
East County Internet Services, Internet service provider (ISP), Web presence provider, Brentwood, CA, US.
Eastern Data, Computer and datacommunications hardware and supplies, Virginia Beach, VA, US.
Eastern Light Interactive Communications, electronic publishing (e.g. Web) services, Philadelphia, PA, US.
Eastern Lights Interactive, Web site design, marketing, New York, NY, US.
Eastern Micro Systems, Computer system retail sales and service, West Palm Beach, FL, US.
Eastern Oregon Telecom, Voice (telephone) and data telecommunication services, Hermiston, OR, US.
Eastman Kodak, imaging technology, Rochester, NY, US.
EastNet China, Internet service provider(ISP), Web presence, Beijing, CN.
Easton Lakes Software, E-commerce, Web/database software, online stores, etc., Sugar Land, TX, US.
Eastweb, Web site design and Web presence, Greenville, NC, US.
Easy It, Web presence provider (small to medium businesses), London, UK.
Easy Software Products, 3-D modeling tools for Silicon Graphics, workstations, Lexington Park, MD, US.
EasyPost, Web based email service, Web presence, London, UK.
EasySoft, Commision based Web site design/e-commerce, database, Hialeah, FL, US.
Easysoft, ODBC software for access to RMS, ISAM, Coda, ROSS, etc., Leeds, UK.
Easyspace, Web hosting (presence), domain name (DNS) registration, London, UK.
eB Networks, IT consulting, training, network integration, security, Columbia, MD, US.
eBORcOM, Web site development, promotion, and location services, York, UK.
eBuilt, Software development/programming, business plans, incubator, Irvine, CA, US.
EC Cubed, Electronic commerce software components, Wilton, CT, US.
Ec-Bytes, Consulting (e.g. EMC SAN, network, etc.), training, etc., Woodbridge, NJ, US.
eCertain, Integrated, audited, network information exchange, Austin, TX, US.
Echo, value added networking services provider, New York, NY, US.
Echo Web Design, Web site design and promotion, Chandler, AZ, US.
EchoMail, Web site design, Web presence, etc., Logan, UT, US.
ECI Telecom, Integrated voice, data, fax and video communication, Petah Tikva, IL.
ECL Computing, Consulting, software, hardware, network integration (esp. Windows NT), Vancouver, BC, CA.
Eclectic Communications, Network consulting, multilingual Web sites design, language translations, San Diego, CA, US.
Eclipse, Distribution/inventory control software for supply chain management control, Boulder, CO, US.
Eclipse Media, Web presence provider (WPP), Newport, RI, US.
Ecola Design, Web page planning, design, programming, and indexing, Beaverton, OR, US.
Ecom Secure, E-Commerce and credit card processing services, Victoria, BC, CA.
eCompany, Web site design, Web presence, promotion, Corona del Mar, CA, US.
eComputerLabs, Training, Web site design, Web presence (hosting), Millersville, MD, US.
Ecosrv, consulting in environmental technology, Overport, ZA.
Ecrix, Data storage tape drives (VXA) using packets for reliability, Boulder, CO, US.
ECS Associates, Web presence provider (WPP), Web site design, Lotus, programming, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, US.
ECS DataSystems, Computer systems (e.g. Compaq, HP, IBM), software development, etc., Amherst, NY, US.
Ed Paull and Associates, Custom IBM AS/400 and PC/Lan software, installations, networks, etc.
, Oak Brook, IL, US.
Ed Stefanov Computer Services, Computer systems (PCs), accessories, support, consulting, etc., Palm Bay, FL, US.
EDA Today, Market research for the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) industry, Phoenix, AZ, US.
Edbentor, Computers (PCs), esp. servers/business, Temecula, CA, US.
EDC ComputerS, Consulting (e.g. electronic control), programming, Web site design, Benson, MN, US.
EDGE Systems, Communications, computing and connectivity for WA State government, Tumwater, WA, US.
Edge, The, GUI software for PC OEMs, Europe.
EdgeMail Technologies, Internet/Web software, e.g. e-mail, document distribution
, Bakersfield, CA, US.
Edgewood Engineering, custom software and firmware, Portland, OR, US.
EDI Center, EDI training and support for the retail industry, Torrance, CA, US.
EDI Support (ESI), EDI/UPC software and solutions for retail manufacturers, Reno, NV, US.
Edia, Internet service provider (ISP), Web presence, e-commerce, etc., Oadby, UK.
Edify, Web and telephony software, Santa Clara, CA, US.
Edimax Computer, LAN Professional (LANPro) Ethernet hubs, switches, repeaters, etc., Santa Clara, CA, US.
eDistrict, Web site design, presence, e-commerce, consulting, etc., Thousand Oaks, CA, US.
ediSys, Utility software and games for Windows 95, Dallas, TX, US.
edit.nl, (Dutch) Web presence provider, Internet consulting, dronten, NL.
Editor Software, "StyleWriter" Windows software for clear and concise English, Dursley, UK.
Edmark, Children's educational software, Redmond, WA, US.
Edna Design, ASIC design services (e.g. Synopsys Verilog/VHDL for VLSI Technology), Santa Cruz, CA, US.
EdNet Career Institute, IT training, Microsoft CTEC; VUE & Prometric testing, Woodland Hills, CA, US.
Edorex Informatik, Information technology, Bern, CH.
EDP Computers, Computer hardware and systems
integration. Includes Pentium CPU's and mass storage.
, San Diego, CA, US.
EDS, Information services, JOBS, Plano, TX, US.
Educational Assistance Systems, School based integrated data management, educational software, North Tonawanda, NY, US.
Educational Multimedia (EMC), Computer based/multimedia training courseware, books, etc., Waltham, IE.
Educational Software Development (ESDC), Personal financial management software, Rockville, MD, US.
EDUCOM Training Systems, Information technology management/training, software development, Ottawa, ON, CA.
Educomm, 900 number and calling card services, Internet services, Crown Point, IN, US.
EDV-Beratung, (German) Internet consulting, Augsburg, DE.
EDVGED, (German) Computer systems, software, service, consulting, Muenster, DE.
Edwards Communications, Intercom and alarm systems, security, Tempe, AZ, US.
eFactory Internet-Agentur, (German) Web site design, promotion, Duesseldorf, DE.
eFax.com, Fax delivery via email, Menlo Park, CA, US.
Effnet, Routers, firewalls, Luleå, SE.
Efinity, Web-based visualization and decision support services, Aliso Viejo, CA, US.
eFORMandFUNCTION, Custom Microsoft Word templates/forms, VBA programming, database, etc., Stone Ridge, NY, US.
eFusion, IP telephony applications (e.g. eStream, ebridge), Beaverton, OR, US.
eFusion Studios, Web site design, promotion, graphics, Perth, WA, AU.
Egghead.com, Computer systems, accessories, online catalog, Liberty Lake, WA, US.
EGI Internet, Web presence provider (WPP), Philipino focus, Huntington Beach, CA, US.
Egypt Business & Innovation Center (EBIC), Web site design, programming, graphics (3D), etc., Cairo, EG.
EhPoint, Web site design, marketing, consulting, database, Brantford, ON, CA.
EI Associates, Computer networking services and tutorials, New York, NY, US.
EIA, Network integration, cabling, data warehouse, Web site design, multimedia, etc., New York, NY, US.
Eider Computers, Cancer patient management software for hospitals, St Albans, UK.
Eiledon Solutions, Web site design, Cape Town, ZA.
Eilrich Programming Services, Macintosh FTP client software (e.g. SurfNut), Watsonville, CA, US.
EiNetCo Internet Services, Web site design, presence/hosting, e-commerce consulting, Studio City, CA, US.
eIQnetworks, Server log analysis and reporting software, Wayland, MA, US.
Eircom, Telephone and telecomunnications services, fixed, mobile, Dublin, IE.
EJE 3 Sur Diseñadores, (Spanish) Graphic and Web site development, Mexico City, MX.
EJW Consulting, Machine tool and electronic board repair, industrial consulting, Essex, ON, CA.
El Camino Resources, mainframe/midrange leasing and trade, Woodland Hills, CA, US.
El Faro, (Spanish) Web site development (e.g. VRML), Oviedo, ES.
el NET, Internet service provider (ISP), New York, NY, US.
EL.CO., Automation accessories mfg., e.g. solid state relays, power units, Pievebelvicino, IT.
Elan GMK, Imaging software, document management bureau, Web site design/presence, etc., Simi Valley, CA, US.
Elan Software, iSeries 400, AS/400 programming, RPG, ILE, JAVA, HTML, etc., Heswall, UK.
Elbit Oy, Custom software, GUI, telecommunications, data base, etc., Oulu, FI.
Elcomm Accessories, Cellular telephone, mobile/wireless accessories, Guangzhou, CN.
Eldev, Offshore software development/programming, Web site design, Ulyanovsk, RU.
Eldish, (Spanish) Internet service provider, Caracas, VE.
eLearning Depot, Computer training, IT training, on-line services, Montclair, NJ, US.
Electioneer, Web site design, Web presence - political/campaign focus, Marlton, NJ, US.
Electraweb, Web presence provider (WPP), Web site design, cohosting, constulting, etc., Hawthorne, CA, US.
Electric Communities, Global Communications Protocols (GCP) for computer resource sharing, Cupertino, CA, US.
Electric Magic, Internet, education and multimedia (e.g. NetPhone) software, San Francisco, CA, US.
Electric Mail Company, The, Electronic mail (e-mail) software (e.g. LAN-to-Internet connectivity), Vancouver, BC, CA.
Electric Mail Company, The, Internet electronic mail, West Vancouver, BC, CA.
Electric Press, Internet publishing, Reston, VA, US.
ElectriCiti, Internet service provider (ISP) and software tools, San Diego, CA, US.
Electro Standards Laboratories, Data comm. (e.g. LAN, switches, cables, fiber, etc.), electric motor, etc., Cranston, RI, US.
Electrocom, Custom personal computers, upgrade kits, tutorials and training, Payette, ID, US.
Electrofuel Manufacturing, Rechargeable batteries (Lithium SuperPolymer), Toronto, ON, CA.
Electronaut Software, education and game titles for the Macintosh, Raleigh, NC, US.
Electronic Advertising, World Wide Web advertising broker, Dallas, TX, US.
Electronic Arts, Multimedia software, Austin, TX, US.
Electronic Book Technologies (EBT), Internet publishing (DynaWeb), CD-ROM, LAN and Print, Providence, RI, US.
Electronic Bookstore, Web site promotion, books, CDs, etc., Princeton, NJ, US.
Electronic Business Guides, regional business listings on the Web.
Electronic Commerce Management Group, Electronic commerce consulting, Chama, NM, US.
Electronic Corporate Pages, WWW (Web) pages, Austin, TX, US.
Electronic Countermeasures, security management and consulting, law enforcement services, Calgary, AB, CA.
Electronic Data Systems, EDS, applications of information technology, Plano, TX, US.
Electronic Discount sales, Computer and home electronics, Arlington, TX, US.
Electronic Energy Control, Relay Interface - Analog to Digital for connection to RS-232, Columbus, OH, US.
Electronic Evidence Discovery (EED), Electronic discovery and risk reduction consulting (e.g. SafeMAIL), Seattle, WA, US.
Electronic Integrated Solutions (EIS), Multimedia systems integration, audio/visual, Houston, TX, US.
Electronic Market Data, Purchase, refurbishing and resale of preowned/used telephone systems, Nashville, TN, US.
Electronic Merchant Systems (EMS), Credit card processing software, Glen Ellyn, IL, US.
Electronic Merchant Systems (EMS), Merchant accounts (accept credit cards), Houston, TX, US.
Electronic Newsstand, The, publishing assisted with communications, magazines, Washington, DC, US.
Electronic Pen, The, interactive marketing, advertising and design for the Iway, San Mateo, CA, US.
Electronic Software Publishing, "LinkScan" Web site analysis software, Gardnerville, NV, US.
Electronic Systems, Internet service provider, high tech. products and services, Arlington, DC, US.
Electronic Systems Associates (ESA), Communications technology consulting, network integration, etc., Los Angeles, CA, US.
Electronic Village Systems, Web site design, Web presence, e-commerce, Chantilly, VA, US.
Electronics and Networking Services, circuit card assemblies, Chesapeake, VA, US.
Electronics Design, PC-based voice loggers, hardware/software design and production, Tallinn, EE.
Electronique Generale Appliques (EGA), (French) Electronic design (schematics, PCBs, etc.) consultanting, Namur, BE.
Electroplasm Creations, Web site design and media development, Marlton, NJ, US.
Electrospec, On-line database for obsolete or leading edge electronic components, Dover, NJ, US.
ElectroSystems Engineers, Telecommunications and Networks project management and consulting, El Paso, TX, US.
Electrotex, Internet Service Provider and Electronics Parts Distributer, Houston, TX, US.
Electrovision, Computer based training (CBT), catalog sales, Hamble, UK.
Elektronik Bilgi Iletisim Hizmetleri (EBI), (Turkish) Web site design, promotion, Istanbul, TR.
ELEX Computer, Apple Computer distributor and multimedia, Seoul, KR.
ELF Communications, software for Internet, Cambridge, MA, US.
elf design, Logo, graphics, and Web site design, San Mateo, CA, US.
ELF System, Decision making software, model generation (Elf System), West Hartford, CT, US.
Elfring Soft Fonts, TrueType fonts and clip art for Windows, Wasco, IL, US.
EliaShim, "Intelligent" computer security, anti virus products, Pembroke Pines, FL, US.
Elite Net, Internet service provider (ISP), Merced, CA, US.
Elite PC Systems, Custom computer systems (PCs), overclocked, watercooled, SLi, gaming, Airdrie, UK.
Elite Professional Networks, Network integration, PC repair/upgrades, training, etc., Moreno Valley, CA, US.
Eliteral, Web presence provider (WPP), domain names, SSL certificates, Mumbai, IN.
Ellery Systems, deployment and operation of Global Information Systems, Boulder, CO, US.
Elletron International, Computer accessories (hardware), Hong Kong, CN.
Elletron International, Computer accessories, hardware, online catalog, Hong Kong, CN.
Elliott Laboratories, Electromagnetic engineering, consulting, testing and certification, Sunnyvale, CA, US.
Elmhurst Design, Web site design, graphics, multimedia, Aylesbury, UK.
ELMIC, (German) Microcomputers based on Motorola 68001, 68307, 68HC11, Duisburg, DE.
Eloi Companies, The, Technologies (e.g. touch sensitive screens)/services for interactive presentations, Highland Park, IL, US.
Elonex, Computer systems (PCs) desktops, notebooks, servers, on-line catalog, London, UK.
Eloquent Technology, Text-to-speech systems (multilanguage, natural voices), Ithaca, NY, US.
Elsevier Science, publishing, Amsterdam, NL.
Elucidex, Software documentation, localization, and programming, Bellingham, WA, US.
emachines, Computer systems (PCs), low cost emphasis, Irvine, CA, US.
eMag Solutions, Data conversion, data recovery, data migration, etc., Atlanta, GA, US.
Email Co-op, The, Co-op for shared use of a marketing email list, Knoxville, TN, US.
EmailForms.com, Free email form/merge services, Lindon, Utah, US.
EmailHosting.com, Email hosting, email domain hosting, email services, Atlanta, GA, US.
eMall, Web storefront division of CreationWare, New York, NY, US.
emanon.com, Web presence provider (WPP) and other Internet services, Lexington, KY, US.
Emax Software, Offshore outsourcing, software development/programming, Thrissur, IN.
Embedded Concepts & Solutions, Software development for embedded systems - BSPs, drivers, etc., Oak Brook, IL, US.
Embedded software Engineers, Firmware, software, RTOS design/programming for embedded systems, Hyderabad, IN.
Embedded Support Tools (EST), BDM emulators, in-circuit emulators, and evaluation boards, Canton, MA, US.
EMC, Enterprise-wide information storage and retrieval technology, Hopkinton, MA, US.
EMD Enterprises, PC System protection software (EMD Armor), Shrewsbury, PA, US.
Emerald Resource Group, Recruiting/placement service, Cleveland, OH, US.
Emergency Computer Service, PC upgrades, repairs and sales, Goldsboro, NC, US.
Emergent, scalable and parallel system consulting, San Carlos, CA, US.
EMI Communications, multimedia distribution and Internet service products, Albany, NY, US.
EMJ Data Systems, computer and communication products, Guelph, ON, CA.
Emkay Software, add on software for Windows 95, Orlando, FL, US.
Emmarc, Data and media management - storage systems, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK.
EMMtek, Web site design, system support, consulting, network integration, Saint Charles, IL, US.
Emperial Design, Web site design, graphics (e.g. 3D), multimedia, etc., Temple Terrace, FL, US.
EmpireNet, Internet service provider (ISP), Riverside, CA, US.
Empress Software, Empress RDBMS data management software, Greenbelt, MD, US.
emptyness creations, Web site design, graphics, multimedia, consulting, Tallahassee, FL, US.
Empyrial Web Designs, Web site design, graphics, Charlotte, NC, US.
EMR Experts, Electronic medical record software for physician offices, San Diego, CA, US.
EMS, PC shareware, consulting, and publishing, Olney, MD, US.
EMT Software, Mechanical application add-on software for AutoCAD and SolidWorks, Bellingham, WA, US.
Emtra Veri Teknolojileri, (Turkish) Voice mail/IVR software (e.g. RightFAX, ZetaFAX)
, Istanbul, TR.
Emulex, high-performance networking interfaces (e.g. Fibre Channel), Costa Mesa, CA, US.
Enabled Sites, Web site design, inc. database, e.g. MySQL, PHP, etc., Soquel, CA, US.
Enchanted Creations, Web site design, Web presence, promotion, merchant accounts, etc., Cathedral City, CA, US.
Encore Computer, computers and computer technology, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US.
Encore Software, We buy, sell and trade software, esp. used/clearance software, Murfreesboro, TN, US.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia information, Chicago, IL, US.
ENDesign, (Dutch) Web site design, multimedia, Veldhoven, NL.
Endymion, Custom engineering for software, network, and Web technologies, Gainesville, FL, US.
Endymion Systems (ESI), ERP integration (e.g. SAP), e-commerce, Oakland, CA, US.
Enea Data, OSE real time OS and other software products, Taby, SE.
Energetic Systems, Network, systems integration, software, and Unix consulting, Los Gatos, CA, US.
Energid Technologies, Software for robotics and machine vision, Cambridge, MA, US.
Engage PR, Public relations agency focused on telecommunications, Alameda, CA, US.
Engineered Network Solutions, Network integration, support, Web site design, promotion, Easley, SC, US.
Engineering and Fire Investigations (EFI), 3D animation, forensic graphics, courtroom expertise, etc., Kingwood, TX, US.
Engineering Animation, Custon animation and interactive multimedia solutions., Chicago, IL, US.
Engineering Corporation of America ( ECA), Contract engineering and technical personnel, Seattle, WA, US.
Engineering Design Systems, AutoCAD, network VAR supporting CADD systems, Roanoke, VA, US.
Engineering Services & Technology (EST), Senior engineering professionals, Inspector C++ tool, Amherst, NH, US.
Engineering Solutions Int'l., Recruiting for AI and Biometrics, IT and programmers, Hermosa Beach, CA, US.
Enginemaster, Web site promotion, Heaton Moor, UK.
Engisoft, Business Web-based customer relations management software (CRM)
, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US.
Engleman Associates, Business software evaluation, selection, consulting, Vancouver, WA, US.
English Computer Consulting, Web site design, database (e.g. Filmaker Pro, Web objects), etc., New York, NY, US.
Engram, Web site and multimedia development, Agoura Hills, CA, US.
Enhance Systems, Enterprise systems management, consulting (e.g. OmegaVision), Calgary, AB, CA.
Enigma22 Productions Unlimited, Digital art, web development services, Pleasant Hill, OH, US.
Enikia, Home networking technology, powerline tranceiver, Warren, NJ, US.
Enlight, Server chassis, power supplies, LCD PCs, perhiperal card readers, Taoyuan, TW.
Enlight Software, Strategy simulation game software (e.g. Capitalism), Hong Kong, CN.
ennect, On-line marketing software, Pittsburgh, PA, US.
Ennovate Networks, Network routing/switching technology, IP, Boxboro, MA, US.
Ennovations Techserv, Web site design, maintenance, graphics, hosting, Noida, IN.
Ensemble Designs, Networkable video gateway (Mac, PC, SGI), digital/analog convertors, Grass Valley, CA, US.
Ensemble Information Systems, Internet content delivery - e.g. newspaper "personal edition"s, Menlo Park, CA, US.
ensureIT, Network integration, security, Web site design, support, Brea, CA, US.
Entech Associates, LED programmable moving signs, electronic white boards, etc., Grandprairie, TX, US.
Enter, Web site design, programming, hosting, Riga, LV.
Enterprise Advisors, Business management, consulting, training - e.g. software, Waterloo, ON, CA.
Enterprise Business Consulting, Software development/programming, Web site design/promotion, North Brunswick, NJ, US.
Enterprise Information Corporation, information technology consulting, Austin, TX, US.
Enterprise Logic, Consulting (e.g. program management, architecture) for electronic commerce, Lawrenceville, GA, US.
Enterprise Messaging Services, Voice messaging, IVR, decision support systems and tech services, West Chester, PA, US.
Enterprise Resale Solutions (ERS), Buy/Sell used business telephone equipment, Solana Beach, CA, US.
Enterprise Software Solutions, Storage systems (e.g. recovery), consulting, training, etc., Seacliff, SA, AU.
Enterprise Systems Integration and Development (ESID), Programming, database, consulting, Baltimore, MD, US.
EnterpriseSoft, Java Beans, e.g. OrgChart, Scheduler, Directory, PIM, Project Manager, etc., Sunnyvale, CA, US.
EnterSoft Systems, middleware technology for distributed and OLTP applications, Bridgewater, NJ, US.
Entertainment Consultants of Florida, Web site design, Winter Park, FL, US.
Entex Information Services, Network system integration, Rye Brook, NY, US.
Entrust Technologies, Encryption, key management, digital signatures, etc., McLean, VA, US.
Entré P.C. Solutions, Y2K assesments, consulting, Madison, WI, US.
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Geographical information system (GIS) software, Redlands, CA, US.
Envision, Technology consulting and software development, St. Louis, MO, US.
ENVision Environmental Engineers and Information Consultants, Information technology consulting, Austin, TX, US.
Envision Programming, Custom screen savers, Web site design, multimedia, etc., Knoxville, TN, US.
Envision Technologies, Network integration, database development (e.g. credit, labor unions), Nutley, NJ, US.
Eolas Technologies, World Wide Web "weblet" technologies, Chicago, IL, US.
Eon Software, Database VCL components (DBOleContainer), Randers, DK.
eOnlineDesign, Computer repair, sales, training, web site design, San Mateo, CA, US.
EPAM Systems, Offshore software development (Russia), data warehouse, CAD/CAM, etc., Princeton, NJ, US.
ePCservices, Upgrade/repair, network integration, web site design, etc., Redwood City, CA, US.
Epicon, Application deployment/management systems (e.g. Altis for Windows), Waltham, MA, US.
Epigraf, Multimedia MIDI products, Gardena, CA, US.
Epilogue Technology, implementations of SNMP, IP, TCP... in ANSI C, Albuquerque, NM, US.
EPM Technology, Product data management (PDM - EXPRESS Data Manager), STEP/ISO 10303, Oslo, NO.
eProviders, Network integration, voice/data, Web site design, Windows support, Eastman, GA, US.
Epsylon Technologies, Internet software (e.g. Baikonur Web, Taxxi Communicator), Moscow, RU.
Epublish-Internet Publishing, Internet document and multimedia access, Madison, WI, US.
Equator, Web site design, multimedia, marketing, Glasgow, UK.
Equifax National Decision Systems, marketing info., tools, and desktop support, San Diego, CA, US.
Equinox Systems, multiport async I/O boards, terminal services, data PBX's, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, US.
ERC, high tech. research for Gov. and Internet Service, Tullahoma, TN, US.
ERCorporation (ERC), sales and service of computer equipment, Pleasanton, CA, US.
Ergoworks, Wrist support (e.g. keyboard) and other health products, Vancouver, BC, CA.
Ericsson, LM, telecommunications, NL.
EriNet Online Communications, Internet service provider (ISP), Dayton, OH, US.
erlewine electromedia, Web site design, Web presence, database, littleton, CO, US.
Ermis On-Line, Web site design, Web presence, shell, e-mail, etc., Athens, GR.
Ernest Telecom, Manufacturer provider of payphones and related products, Norcross, GA, US.
Erol's, Internet service provider (ISP) and computer sales, Washington, DC, US.
eROWE Interactive, Custom graphic design, multimedia, Web site design, Thornhurst, PA, US.
ERS Systems, Network integration, disaster recovery, Web site design, etc., Keswick, ON, CA.
Erskin Graphics, Graphics design, Web site design, Web presence, print production., Alliance, OH, US.
ERV's Monitor Service, Service, repair, and sales for specialized and SOHO monitors, Mesa, AZ, US.
ES Design, Interactive multimedia CD-ROM development, graphics, logos, etc., Deerfield Beach, FL, US.
eSafe Technologies, Internet security software (e.g. eSafe Protect), virus, PC, Seattle, WA, US.
ESC Technologies, Cylindrical connector accessories, Hawthorne, CA, US.
ESC Technologies, Support for components, e.g. motherboards, CPUs, RAM, chassis, drives, etc., Modesto, CA, US.
ESC Technologies, Computer systems ("configures-and-ship") and accessories, Modesto, CA, US.
Escape, Internet service provider (ISP).
Escom, computers and hardware, Commodore and Amiga, NL.
eSCV, Web site design/hosting, email services, advertising, Santa Clarita, CA, US.
ESD Computer Services, Computer hardware, software, programming (e.g. AS/400, IBM), Marlboro, MA, US.
eshare Technologies, Chat communications server (Web Chat) and BBs, Commack, NY, US.
ESI (Estech Systems), IVX phone system, VoiceWorks voice mail system, etc., Plano, TX, US.
ESI Enterprise Solutions, Web site design, e-commerce, ERP, data warehousing, etc., Oakland, CA, US.
eSoft, Internet connectivity (e.g. IPAD integrating a router and servers), Aurora, CO, US.
eSoftwareDiscounts, Home, business, entertainment, etc. software, on-line catalog, Destin, FL, US.
Esoterica, Internet service provider (ISP), Web presence, Lisbon, PT.
ESP Online, Ecommerce marketing, online shopping cart services, New Orleans, LA, US.
ESP Software, Sports related software, Westcliff-On-Sea, UK.
espire Communications, Data communications, DSL to T3, Web presence, frame relay, ATM, etc., Herndon, VA, US.
Esprit Systems, Manufacturer of thin client network computers/conversions (Windows), San Jose, CA, US.
ESQ Business Services, Operations management software for Tandem computer networks, San Jose, CA, US.
ESS Data Recovery, Data recovery sevices, hard disk, floppy disk, etc., Carbondale, IL, US.
Essential Communications, providing HIPPI high speed LAN products, Albuquerque, NM, US.
Essential Data, CD recorders, duplicators, burners, SCSI-bus, etc., Dobbins, CA, US.
Essential Data, peripherals for PCs, San Jose, CA, US.
Etak, digital mapping, Menlo Park, CA, US.
ETCAI Products, Training software for electronics and avionics, Gautier, MS, US.
Etech, Intranet/extranet information system design/development, consulting, Norcross, GA, US.
EtherCom, Transceivers, hubs, LAN switches, media Converters (e.g. Ethernet), Fremont, CA, US.
EtherWAN Systems, LAN/WAN network equipment mfg., Ethernet hubs/switches, etc., Irvine, CA, US.
ETi Solutions, IBM AS/400 business partner specializing in system utility software, Oceanside, CA, US.
Etnus, Multiprocessor and multinode debugging and performance analysis tools, Framingham, MA, US.
Eton Solutions, Computer training and programming services, Los Angeles, CA, US.
ETT Consulting, Electronic funds transfer software and ACH service, Carmichael, CA, US.
Euclid Research, Motion control measurement and analysis tools (e.g. MotionScope™), San Jose, CA, US.
EuNet, European Internet service provider.
Eureka Cartography, Custom maps and globes, clip art, digital maps, etc., Berkeley, CA, US.
Euro Video, Video to DVD tranfer, dvd, cd, video duplication/conversion, Redwood City, CA, US.
EUROCOMP International, Computer systems (notebooks), printers, networking, etc., Jensen Beach, FL, US.
EuroDataGB, Consulting, teaching/training, Web site design, etc.
, London, GB.
Euronetwork, Specialized computer cables and connectors manufactured/imported, Milton Keynes, UK.
Europa, Internet service provider (ISP) and Web presence (WPP), Portland, OR, US.
Europartners Databases, European electronic component source directory, Miami, FL, US.
EuroPC, Clearance, surplus, refurbished computer systems, accessories, online catalog, Glasgow, UK.
Europe Media, Audiotext, speech technology, etc. online information (E:media), London, UK.
European Electronics, Installations of VSAT, Direcpc, satellite, networking, LAN, WAN, etc., Kirby Hill, UK.
Eurosys Software, Technical software (e.g. real-time and embedded systems), Munich, DE.
Eurotechnology Japan K. K., Technology products and partnerships between Europe, Japan, US, Tokyo, JP.
EUSA Fusion, European marketing, consulting, and business services, London, UK.
Evalesco Systems, SNMP-based network monitoring systems (SysOrb), Lyngby, DK.
Evan Gilden Consulting, PC installation/repair, networking, training, upgrades, etc., Sherman Oaks, CA, US.
Evan Hill Design, Graphics, Web site design, advertising, Buffalo Grove, IL, US.
Evans & Watts Partners, Drawing and document management, Scanning, OCR, AutoCAD, etc., Llanelli, UK.
Evans Computer Consulting, Network installation and service, Web site design, consulting, etc., Fountain Valley, CA, US.
EVC-ENTERPRISES, How-to, instructional, and educational videos and CD-ROM catalog, Mandan, ND, US.
EVE Systems, Network integration, Web site design, training, etc., Ipswich, UK.
Event Technologies, Object-oriented software for control/automation, Hale Corners, WI, US.
Evergreen Internet Express, Internet services to AZ., Nv., UT. areas.
Evergreen Technologies, Processor upgrades for 386s, 486s, and Pentiums, Corvallis, OR, US.
Evertek Computer, Wholesale distributor of computer hardware, peripherals, accessories, Oceanside, CA, US.
Everton Publishers, computer assisted Genealogy, Logan, UT, US.
Everything Internet, Web presence provider (WPP), graphics, marketing, Bolingbrook, IL, US.
EveryWare Development, Client/server network and document management software, Mississauga, ON, CA.
Evince, Web site design, multimedia, software development/programming, Chennai, IN.
Evolution Data Systems, Consulting, network, systems integration, Newport Beach, CA, US.
Evolved Machines, Parallel computing modeling of brain circuitry, Palo Alto, CA, US.
Evolving Solutions, Consulting, computer systems, storage, disaster recovery, Hamel, MN, US.
Evolving Systems, Telecom. software development and system integration, Englewood, CO, US.
eWareness, Web site design, marketing/communications, veteran owned, Melbourne, FL, US.
EwebOutsourcing, Data entry services, Web site design, graphics, etc., Ahmedabad, IN.
Exabyte, Tape drives and automated tape libraries, Boulder, CO, US.
Exanet, NAS storage system for data center storage, Herzliya, IL.
Exario Networks, Internet service provider (ISP), DSL business focus, West Paterson, NJ, US.
EXAsoft, Internet and Web consulting, Utrecht, NL.
Excalibur, Data recovery, 4mm, 8mm DAT, DLT, Travan, disks, Unix, Windows NT, Novell, N. Billerica, MA, US.
Excalibur Data Recovery, Recovery service from crashed hard drives, portables and tapes, Methuen, MA, US.
Excalibur Productions, Digital graphic design and advertising agency, Slippery Rock, PA, US.
Excalibur Technologies, Knowledge retrieval solutions for text and multimedia, Vienna, VA, US.
Excave Consulting, Web site design, Web presence, Internet training, Roseville, CA, US.
Exceed, Web site development, Web presence, promotion, marketing, Luxembourg, LU.
Excel Communications, Telecommunications, long distance telephone service, Dallas, TX, US.
Excel Communications, Multimedia, marketing, graphics, meeting production, etc., Milwaukee, WI, US.
Excel Design, Computer systems/sales, Henderson, NV, US.
Excel Translations, Software localization and translation services, San Francisco, CA, US.
ExceleTel, Computer telephony software tools for Windows (ActiveX and VCL)
, Raleigh, NC, US.
Excellicom, Web site design, South Plainfield, NJ, US.
Excelsior Business Services, IT services, web site development, search/recruiting services, Round Rock, TX, US.
Excelsior Manufacturing, Printed circuit board electronic contract manufacturing, San Jose, CA, US.
Excelsior Worldwide, Web site design and promotion.
Exceptional Software, educational software for special need students, Houston, TX, US.
ExDesk, Web based help desk/customer service support, Trumbull, CT, US.
Exec-PC, Internet service provider (ISP) and BBS, Milwaukee, WI, US.
Execu-Net, Web site design, graphics, software and hardware support, Tampa, FL, US.
Execu/Tech Systems, Property management ("Hotel") and touch screen POS ("SMART/Register") software, Panama City, FL, US.
Execusoft, computer programming and system analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, US.
Executech Computer Services, Computer sales, service, rental, and network support, Edmonton, AB, CA.
Executive Assistance, Process automation technical services, training, and support, San Diego, CA, US.
Executive Software, defragmentation software for Windows NT and OpenVMS, Glendale, CA, US.
Executive Software Europe, Disk management software (e.g. Diskeeper defragment, Undelete, etc.), East Grinstead, UK.
Executive Technologies, document searching products (e.g. "SearchExpress"), Birmingham, AL, US.
ExecuTrain, Computer training, Atlanta, GA, US.
Exepos Software Solutions, Computer telephony integration software (e.g. Easy dialer, Telephony Toolbox, etc.)
, High Wycombe, UK.
Exide Electronics, UPS and power management software, Raleigh, NC, US.
Exidor Computer, Computer systems (PCs), monitors, printers, Diamond, OH, US.
Exinet, Web site design, Web presence, graphics, etc., Lana, IT.
Exodus Communications, Web co-location services, Santa Clara, CA, US.
exofire CD Burn, Linux/BSD distribution reseller, South Portland, ME, US.
Exoplex, Intranet groupware software framework (Exoplex Intranet Publisher), Artarmon, NSW, AU.
Exoterica, "OmniMark" SGML based hypertext programming language, Ottawa, ON, CA.
Expand Beyond, Wireless database administration (e.g. PocketDBA), Chicago, IL, US.
Expersoft, Distributed object management software (e.g. CORBA), San Diego, CA, US.
Expert Buying Systems, software requirements definition and selection services, Vancouver, WA, US.
Expert Computer Consultants/Systems Consultants, IT consulting, staffing, client/server, ERP software training, Rochester Hills, MI, US.
Expert Software Systems, Business/Personal Web site design and Web presence
, Miller Place, NY, US.
Expert Systems, Voice/computer telephony software development tools (e.g. EASE), Atlanta, GA, US.
Expertcity.com, Online, real-time, person-to-person help through screen sharing, Santa Barbara, CA, US.
ExperTeach, (German) Telecommunications training/consulting (e.g. ISDN, ATM), Dietzenbach, DE.
ExperTelligence, Web site design, DBMS, ecommerce (e.g. WebBase, ExperForms), Santa Barbara, CA, US.
Experts Exchange, Information exchange for computer questions and answers, San Luis Obispo, CA, US.
Exploit Information Technology, Web site promotion, Web presence provider (WPP), Stockport, UK.
Exploit Infotech, Web site design, Web presence, Web promotion software (Wizard), Stockport, UK.
Exponent Design, Web site design, Salt Lake City, UT, US.
Exponential Technology, Microprocessors (e.g. Power PC), San Jose, CA, US.
Express Computer Systems, Refurbished Sun, IBM RS/6000 and Cisco resale, Irvine, CA, US.
Express Page Web Hosting Services, Web presence provider (WPP), Web site design, North Plainfield, NJ, US.
Express-Shopper, Computer and electronic equipment, etc., Los Angeles, CA, US.
Expressions International, Computer hardware (boards), Web presence, Web site design (automotive), Moreno Valley, CA, US.
ExpressWay Graphic Design, Graphics, e.g. logos, banners, buttons and page titles, Villa Ridge, MO, US.
Exspans Systems, Systems/software design, development, training (e.g. IBM OS/390, MVS), Ottawa, ON, CA.
Extended Systems, computer-printer network connectivity, Boise, ID, US.
Extensions Software, Develop/publish network applications/utilities for MS/IIS, Enterprise, AL, US.
Exteria, Web site design, software development, technical writing, ecommerce, etc., Moscow, RU.
Extreme Networks, Ethernet switches (e.g. Summit), Cupertino, CA, US.
Extreme Solutions, Information and biotechnology recruiting/exec. search, Redmond, WA, US.
ExtremePDA.com, PDA accessories, cases, chargers, automounts, etc., Hopewell Junction, NY, US.
Extricity Software, E-commerce, business to business software, XML, Redwood Shores, CA, US.
Extron Electronics, video interfaces, switchers, scan converters, cable, Anaheim, CA, US.
Eye Catchers 2000, Web site design, Honolulu, HI, US.
Eye Communication Systems, Document management, reader/printers, audio/visual, etc., Hartland, WI, US.
Ez Duplication, CD/DVD duplication, burn, pack, ship, Glendale Heights, IL, US.
EZ Global, Web site design, network integration, graphics, etc., Milpitas, CA, US.
EZ Solution Software, Interactive educational multimedia software, k-12, Germantown, MD, US.
EZ Systems, Network storage systems (new, used), repairs, etc., Santa Ana, CA, US.
EZ-REF Courseware, Computer training manuals, Laguna Beach, CA, US.
EzIspPlus, Internet service provider (ISP), Web presence, Lincolnton, NC, US.
EZSolution, Web design and site promotions, Lancaster, PA, US.
ezzTouch Computer, Notebook computers (laptops), Irwindale, CA, US.
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